LENTEN MESSAGE- DAY 5 «Whatever you did not do for one of these little ones, you did not do for me» Today we are reminded of the Final Judgment, «when the Son of Man comes in his glory with all his angels» (Mt 25:31), by letting us mull over the essentials of our faith; feeding the hungry, giving the thirsty to drink, clothing the naked, visiting the sick... these are works of love for those Christians who, upon doing them, can see the very same Christ therein reflected. Saint John of the Cross says: «At dusk your love will be tested. Do learn to love God as He wants to be loved and forsake your own condition». For, not making something you ought to do, in the service of the other sons of God, our own brothers, means to deprive Christ of these details of due love: sins of omission. The II Vatican Council, in the Gaudium et spes, when explaining the demands of Christian charity, which confer a meaning to the so called social assistance, says: «In our time, it becomes especial...